Challenges with the consistency of laws and regulations and a causative force of the state – an outline of the topic

Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 1


The causative force of the state in the 21stcentury depends on the coherence of the law and the importance of non-legal regulations of large corporations. Multi-centricity, multi-level structure and the strength of „soft law” of corporations lead to the transformation of internal law and altering of its function. In addition states give up their welfare and privatise various tasks. They lose the essential elements of the legal, territorial and personal sovereignty. Does giving away numerous normative areas mean that the states do weaken their causative force?

Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Jabłońska-Bonca


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  • EP ID EP79245
  • DOI 10.7206/kp.2080-1084.79
  • Views 72
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How To Cite

Jolanta Jabłońska-Bonca (2015). Challenges with the consistency of laws and regulations and a causative force of the state – an outline of the topic. Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem, 7(1), 157-175.