Formation of new value orientations for the “third age” people in ukraine in the process of their foreign language training

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 180


The article deals with the problem of formation of new values for the elderly people, learning foreign languages in the “third age” universities. Understanding the population ageing problem and its consequences contributes to the research in the area of social work, social welfare and development of social pedagogical, economic and legal instruments of their solution due to continu- ous increase of elderly population in Ukraine and labor migration of employable population abroad Research in the area of elderly people’s values sets forth one of the most important tasks for social pedagogy because age changes of elderly population, causing disruption of adaptation capabilities, are very significant for the Ukrainian society. Development of the elderly people’s system of social welfare is not considered only the achievement of intergenerational society tradition but also that of civilization progress. It also identifies prospects for the future development of the country. Increase of elderly people in Ukraine puts forward an important issue of the society responsibility for the formation of their values as well as for the formation and development of communicative qualities in the process of globalization.

Authors and Affiliations

L. V. Viktorova, V. A. Krupka


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  • EP ID EP499170
  • DOI 10.31174/SEND-PP2018-180VI74-16
  • Views 108
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How To Cite

L. V. Viktorova, V. A. Krupka (2018). Formation of new value orientations for the “third age” people in ukraine in the process of their foreign language training. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(180), 66-69.