Marketing communications in industrial B2b markets enhancing the value of the corporate brand relying on common added values

Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2013, Vol 9, Issue 3


Today, industrial Business-to-Business (B2B) markets are mainly characterized by a highly trained customer for making rational decisions in a highly competitive and global market, requiring more than ever organizations to approach their markets with a single and consistent message. Such demanding scenario requires to define a corporate brand transmitting in one message all the advantages that a Customer may appreciate in the long-term, based not only on what the company stands for in the market, but also the benefits of all its products throughout its portfolio. Such elements are referred as Common Added Values (CAVs), being some general examples the technology, quality, innovation and reliability; the capacity, infrastructure and distribution network; after-sales service policies, support and training; or the price and financial policies. This paper tries to explain the source of this need, describing the main differences between a brand communications model focused on the product or including the main B2B corporate values; and highlighting the main CAVs, to get an industry player either small or large, can succeed in generating brand equity through an integrated marketing communications strategy.

Authors and Affiliations

Jose Ignacio Monrabal


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  • EP ID EP70660
  • DOI 10.14611/minib.09.03.2013.07
  • Views 80
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How To Cite

Jose Ignacio Monrabal (2013). Marketing communications in industrial B2b markets enhancing the value of the corporate brand relying on common added values. Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych, 9(3), 85-92.