Network Status Schools Ministry of Railways in Ukraine in 1920-60- s Years of XX Century


The article gives general characteristics of incipience of the net of secondary educational establishments of The Ministry of Means of Communication beginning from 20-s years of XX century. It describes the influence of ethno-demographic structure of the population of Ukraine (the result of the practice of deportation of whole nations) on the formation of the net of departmental institutions of The Ministry of Means of Communication, regular transformations of the net of departmental institutions of The Ministry of Means of Communication during a post-war period. The formation of a network of secondary schools of this ministry from the 20-s years of XX century was due to social, political, military, socio-cultural, ideological factors that directly influenced not only the content of education, but also the number and locations of such schools across the country. Having researched the organizational activity of the educational institutions of The Ministry of Means of Communication in Ukraine in 20-s years of XX century we found the features of the network of these institutions during the studied period, analyzed the organization of the educational process and defined the role and place of professional practice in the training of specialists for the Railways of Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

I. Yu. Skliarenko


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How To Cite

I. Yu. Skliarenko (2016). Network Status Schools Ministry of Railways in Ukraine in 1920-60- s Years of XX Century. Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка, 85(3), 130-135.