Simulación clínica: metodología didáctica en la formación de competencia inherentes a la seguridad del paciente

Journal Title: Revista Eugenio Espejo - Year 2021, Vol 15, Issue 2


This research aimed to establish the correlation between patient safety and the elements of learning in clinical simulation related to the presence of an AE, in students of the Nursing career of the Juárez University of the State of Durango, during the period between August 2018 and December 2019. A prospective longitudinal, correlational, and quantitative non-experimental study was developed. The entire study population was considered, which was made up of the 98 students from that research context. The mean age of the participants was 19.35 (σ = 1.30), predominantly female with 63.3%. The self-evaluating elements of learning related to the fear of generating an AE predominated (75.50%); while 74.5% considered that they mastered how to act in an emergency. Most of them handled technology well during care (87.80%) and mastered patient safety protocols (74.5%), difficulties related to basic skills in nursing care were detected (67.3%). The greatest success with respect to patient safety resulted in compliance with effective communication protocols, while the most affected was the taking of adequate measures during the administration of medications. Spearman's Rho values allowed to establish a moderate positive correlation significance between patient safety and fear of committing an AE during practical exercise; this one showed a moderate and negative significance with respect to the manifestation of emotional exhaustion.

Authors and Affiliations

Miriam Karina Ortiz Rivas, José Daniel Rosado Colonia, Ana Beatriz Antuna Canales, Yolanda Bañuelos Barrera, Patricia Bañuelos Barrera


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Miriam Karina Ortiz Rivas, José Daniel Rosado Colonia, Ana Beatriz Antuna Canales, Yolanda Bañuelos Barrera, Patricia Bañuelos Barrera (2021). Simulación clínica: metodología didáctica en la formación de competencia inherentes a la seguridad del paciente. Revista Eugenio Espejo, 15(2), -.