The eye-tracking technique in the analysis of mechanisms for solving algorithmic problems

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2018, Vol 74, Issue 2


One of the basic objectives of education is the intellectual development of children and young people, allowing them to prepare, among others, to be able to solve problems in various areas of life. This aspiration has been expressed during the recent works on the reform of education in Poland and in the core curriculum, which was approved in February 2017. It was highlighted there that IT education offers a wide range of possibilities to achieve this goal, and the appropriate means for its accomplishment is teaching programming, understood not only as learning how to write a code, but as a process of acquiring the IT approach skills to solve problems. Such understanding of IT education is not new, for many years researches have been indicating the importance of educating this special way of reasoning, which is called computational thinking. It is well-known, however, that learning algorithms and programming bring some difficulties for students at different ages. Therefore, a number of studies have been undertaken, whose aim is not only to identify the causes of these difficulties, but also to optimize the learning process by selecting appropriate teaching strategies. With that aim in mind, researchers seek for new techniques that would expand the knowledge about how brain works and allow the insight into the neurobiological aspects of the learning processes.

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  • EP ID EP422906
  • DOI 10.15219/em74.1347
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How To Cite

MAGDALENA ANDRZEJEWSKA, ANNA STOLIŃSKA (2018). The eye-tracking technique in the analysis of mechanisms for solving algorithmic problems. e-mentor, 74(2), 10-18.