Challenges for socialization in contemporary Poland. The role of children's universities

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2018, Vol 76, Issue 4


For three decades, Polish society has been confronted with new expectations and challenges related to the transformation of virtually all areas of life. It has to deal with many problems, as well as with the necessity to acquire new competences, skills, and knowledge in various fields. In this article, the author has identified several key challenges. They refer especially to obtaining capabilities needed for active participation in the market economy and civil society. Social values enabling integration are of key importance among them. According to research cited in the paper, Polish society has insufficient knowledge and competences in these fields. Simultaneously, they are very desirable in the process of modernization of Poland’s economy. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the socialization processes, both formal and non-formal, are adequate to the needs and expectations of the society. It is difficult to overestimate the value of the opportunity to explore freely, to ask questions, and to be allowed to find a solution to a given problem because such experiences support the development of key competences indispensable for proper functioning in the modern, dynamically changing world. In this article, the author points out a vital role of non-formal institutions, particularly the children’s universities, which are more flexible and may have an impact on creating the concept of the future more personalized education.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Karwińska


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  • EP ID EP471803
  • DOI 10.15219/em76.1372
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How To Cite

Anna Karwińska (2018). Challenges for socialization in contemporary Poland. The role of children's universities. e-mentor, 76(4), 19-25.