Significance of Everyday Life in Janusz Korczak’s Philosophy of Education

Journal Title: Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2


The topicality of Janusz Korczak’s thought lies in its openness towards ignorance. It is not due to our knowledge about a child, but to philosophical ignorance that we can open up to a dialog with it. Referring to philosophical ignorance is the core element of Korczak’s reflection on the nature of a child. An educator responsible for children must observe them every day. In this way he/she learns to shape his/her respect towards their current needs. When an educator gives a child the right to be who it is, he/she simultaneously limits his/her right to decide who this child is to be in the future. Therefore, the educator is obliged to take responsibility not for a child’s future, but for its present.

Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Kubicka


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How To Cite

Dorota Kubicka (2016). Significance of Everyday Life in Janusz Korczak’s Philosophy of Education. Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne, 1(2), 133-146.